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The unfolding story of Jose and Rosaura

Jose and Rosaura

Rosaura praying for Jose at his baptism last Sunday

In the last post, I described some of the extraordinary things we have been seeing in the organic church that meets in our home. I also shared that 15 year-old Jose was diagnosed with a brain tumor last week. Thank you to all who have prayed for him.

Here's an update on his situation:

Yesterday, Jose had an eight hour operation to remove the tumor on his brain. The surgeon was unable to remove the entire tumor because it has already infiltrated some major blood vessels and nerves.  Further treatment will depend on the final pathology results.

Tony and I have been praying for a while that God would reveal his power and presence, not just in our home, but in simple/organic expressions of church around the nation. The story of Rosaura and and her sister finding the Lord because of Jose is part of an answer to that prayer.

Chris Jefferies sent this prayer in an email to me:

I'm praying for Jose, Rosauro, Roxie, the church in your home, and those who hear the story. I'm praying for the breaking out of new life and the defeat of the enemy in every way. Let the Kingdom be extended. Spread the tent pegs wider still.

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