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Even talking with God needs to be reproducible

The fourth reproducible element from Acts 2:42 in our times together is prayer.  Prayer is foundational.  It takes many forms.  It includes praise, supplication, intercession for unbelievers, prayer for each other, warfare and so on. Again, the Holy Spirit is very creative and as we listen to him and follow his leading, we will find ourselves praying into many different situations and in many different ways.  Prayer often follows our time of fellowship together when praise reports or needs will come to light.

If we want to see multiplying churches, then even our prayers need to be simple.  We don't need to pray five-minute sermons. Anyone can copy simple conversational prayer.  A Filipino church planter said, "I never do anything in church that a one-week old Christian would be unable to reproduce," and that includes prayer.

Prayer doesn't need to sound religious.  Let's give up "thee's" and "thou's" and religious language.  God is our Father, and even though we approach him with the utmost respect and adoration, we can also enter the throne room without fear because of what Jesus has done for us.  I'm often reminded of the picture of JFK's office with his son hiding under the desk.  Just as John had automatic access to the President of the United States of America, we (corporately) have access to the God who holds the universe in his hands at all times.  We speak with him and he speaks with us.

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