Non-religious Christianity

Breaking free from guilt-based religion

"How did you break free  from religious Christianity?" I asked Tony early one morning last week.   "There were two things," he said. "George Tarleton was the first. The second was the role of the Holy Spirit in my life." It's interesting how often in the New Testament, living according to the law is contrasted… Read More

Non-religious Christianity

Taking the leap to freedom from guilt-based religion

Many religious people live their lives by the Scriptures. So why is the fruit of their lives  sometimes legalism and guilt rather than life?  They feel like they continually fall short of God's standards for their lives.  Jesus said to the religious people of his day, "You search the Scriptures because you think they give… Read More

Non-religious Christianity

My journey to freedom from guilt-based religion

My last few posts on non-religious Christianity (starting here)  provoked a couple of people to question, "How do you get from shame-based Christianity to living the abundant life Jesus talked about?" Knowing I was going to blog about it, Tony (my husband) and I had a lengthy early morning conversation on the subject today. "How would… Read More

Non-religious Christianity

Coloring outside the lines

The new covenant makes all the difference. Under the old covenant, people had to keep a series of laws. Under the new covenant, these same laws were written on our hearts. Here's what Hebrews 8 says The day is coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and Judah.   This… Read More

Non-religious Christianity

Non-religious Christianity

All too often Christianity is cheapened to the point that it becomes a religion of rules in which the do's and don'ts (especially the don'ts) govern our lives. In an effort to please God by keeping ourselves separate from the world (2 Cor 6:17), we live lives that are unattractive, to say the least, to… Read More

Non-religious Christianity

The effect of modern-day Pharisees

We all know people who are "holier than thou."  They tend to live perfect lives, even if a trifle legalistic. We know we ought to like them, but somehow they leave us feeling condemned and unworthy.  I don't think Jesus was like this. If anyone was holy, Jesus was, but sinners loved to be around… Read More