Kingdom Women

Men opening doors

What can men do to open the door for women to step out into everything God has for them?

For years, my husband, Tony, opened the door for me in every conceivable way . He included me in any speaking engagement he had. He promoted my writing. He encouraged me to voice my opinions. He knew that if he “hogged the platform,” I would never have an opportunity. He laid down his giftings that I might enter mine.

Then came the day when I began being included in my own right–not just because I’m Tony’s wife. I was asked to join a national team. I had invitations to write in my own name. I was offered speaking engagements.

It’s not about becoming a “leader” or being recognized. It’s about  women having the freedom to follow the Lord in every way he leads and calls. Most women are not going to seize their rights, so it may take a man opening the door for them. Are there men who will lay down their lives in this way?

Thank you, Tony!

Way out to Berlin

Photo Credit: Pensiero via Compfight cc

9 replies on “Men opening doors”

Your experience was so important and it is great that your husband did what he did. But please let’s not continue to count on men to open the doors for us. We women need to open them for ourselves and each other by God’s grace and love. Let’s keep the focus on the real source of power – the real door-opener – our glorious God!
Kristina, Founder
SeeingGod Ministries

I totally agree with what you say here, Kristina. It’s important that women walk through the doors God opens for us too.That way we serve as role models for other women to follow.

It’s also important that we open the doors for other women. Too often, there’s been so little room for women that if we are allowed into the “leadership space” we think of other women as competition. This has to stop. We need to be generous in opening the door for other women.

This is so moving Felicity. My husband has always encouraged me to step out in my ministry gifts as well. It is such a blessing to have a husband who trusts the Lord enough not to be threatened that his wife has her own talents and gifts and can be used by God. Though I strive to be a biblical wife and honor my husband, I know my loving and respectful submission to him gives him confidence to let me be all I can be under the loving hand of our Lord Jesus. This gives us both freedom and peace. Thanks for sharing and always encouraging!

I am actually in this stage with my wife. We have spoken on this a few times in the previous months. Thanks for posting it. It helps me see how I can open doors for her to progress by herself. This is my first comment on your site. We are from Nairobi Kenya, we run and train on simple church. I really enjoy your blog

Felicity, it is so encouraging (en-courage) to hear how Tony has opened the way for you. It sometimes takes courage for men to have the confidence to do this and not feel minimized or diminished in who they are. I, too, am grateful for my husband Wade, his support has been the wind beneath my wings in many situations where he was the only one, cheering me on. This is such a valuable topic for us to talk about. Thank you Thank you!

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