Church planting

Why do we do the opposite of what Jesus tells us?


Why do we believers so often do the opposite of what Jesus tells us?

Jesus told his disciples to go; we ask people to come.

Jesus instructed his disciples to make disciples of all nations; we ask people for decisions.

Jesus said he will build his church; we try to do it for him.

Jesus told his disciples to teach people to obey his commands; we teach them all about his commands.

Jesus told his disciples to go out as lambs among wolves; we go out in strength.

Jesus gave his disciples specific instructions as to where they were to go; we ask him to bless where we are going.

Jesus told his disciples to bless the home of the person of peace; we Christians are known for our hypocrisy and judgementalism.

Jesus told his disciples not to go from house to house but to stay in the home of the person of peace; what is one of our favorite means of evangelism?

Jesus was known as a friend of sinners; we are scared of being contaminated by them.

And this is just from Luke 10 and Matthew 28 (plus one or two other related scriptures).




6 replies on “Why do we do the opposite of what Jesus tells us?”

Excellent thoughts and list – I’d like to add a few…
1 – Jesus told his disciples – NOT to be called “Teacher”
For you have “ONE” teacher – Christ. Mat 23:8 NASB
But – Believers look for, and call many in the body of Christ “Teachers”
And – many in the body of Christ want to be known as, and called, “Teacher.”
Even – When Jesus says, “They will be ALL taught of God.” John 6:45
Believers still look to a mere fallible human to teach them. And NOT Jesus.
2 – Jesus told his disciples – NOT to be called “Leader”
For you have “ONE” leader – Christ. Mat 23:10 NASB
But – Believers look for, and call many in the body of Christ “Leaders”
And – many in the body of Christ want to be known as, and called “Leader.”
Even – When Jesus says, “My sheep hear My Voice and follow me.” John 10:27
Believers still look to a mere fallible human to follow. And NOT Jesus.
3 – Jesus healed the sick – And commands His Disciples to go and – Heal the sick.
Luke 10:1-9
9 And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them,
The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.
But – Believers have more faith in the medical system and send folks to doctors.
And – many in the body of Christ have never prayed for the sick in public like
Jesus taught His Disciples to do. And His disciples did.
Even – When Jesus says “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel…
… These signs shall follow those who believe; In My Name…
They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” Mark 16:14-18 KJV
And God confirmed His Disciples words with signs following…
Mark 16:20 KJV
And they went forth, and preached every where,
the Lord working with them,
and confirming the word with signs (miracles) following.
If believers today call themselves “Teacher” or “Leader”…
And do NOT go into all the world and preach the Gospel…
And do NOT lay hands on the sick and see them recover…
And God is NOT confirming the word preached with signs (miracles) following…
Are they a “Disciple of Christ?”

Awesome truth. We can add so many more to the list
1) Jesus says deny yourself and do not lay treasures for yourselves here on earth
The ‘ministers’ of the gospel today are doing the exact opposite
2) Jesus says the greatest of all should be the servant of all.
Today the leaders of the churches are the ones with bodyguards and convoys having people “worshiping” them
The list is endless. It is a clear sign that this is the Loadicean type Church age where present Churches are generally apostate and are set up to serve their own purposes and bellies

No offence ….. But somethings to me sound right but others not so right…. Great Britain are the best you only gotta our language to see that xx

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