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The single most important thing that makes house church meetings reproducible

One of the problems with the "Honey, I shrunk the church!" approach is that it is too complex to be reproducible, especially by new believers.  Since most people's greatest fear is of public speaking, that makes giving a talk a huge hurdle for people to attempt, even with a smaller audience.  What if there is not a skilled guitarist in the group?  Or no one is used to leading a meeting?

If we are to see rapidly multiplying churches, then the one thing that makes our times together reproducible is simplicity!

Let's apply that principle to what might happen in our times together.

Meals:  if we produce a gourmet home-cooked meal when we get together, then what it says to others is that they could only consider hosting something if they can produce something similar.   Anyone can arrange a simple potluck when everyone contributes.

Praying:  if someone prays 5 minute sermon prayers, this will inhibit anyone but the most experienced Christian from praying.  Brief sentence prayers are much wiser–everybody gets a turn, or even multiple turns.

Teaching:  this is an idol in many Western churches today.  Many pastors spend hours preparing a sermon–but according to research conducted by the Barna group, the typical attender cannot remember the topic 2 hours later.  No, the important thing is that people learn and apply Biblical truths, and they are far more likely to do that if they participate themselves.  People remember 20% of what they hear, 50% of what they see and hear and 70% of what they say themselves.  A participatory study of the Bible is far more effective than a talk or sermon, and there is no preparation required.

If simple patterns are introduced right from the start, then anyone can facilitate a simple/house/organic church.  We've even had believers who are only a few weeks old in the Lord lead simple church gatherings once a simple pattern has been demonstrated.

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