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A democratic Kingdom? Not!

Continuing thoughts on the Gospel of the Kingdom:


We are blessed to live in a democracy — or to be more specific, here in the States, a constitutional republic. It is "government of the people by the people and for the people" (Abraham Lincoln). The people have the power. As society changes, so do its laws, because there are no absolutes.

The United Kingdom, where I am from, is a constitutional monarchy. The government is a democracy and the Queen is its figurehead

Because we live in a democracy, when the Bible talks about the Kingdom, we have no real frame of reference to understand it.

A kingdom is ruled by a king. In an absolute monarchy, the king has undivided rule and complete sovereignty–supreme authority over his people.  He decrees how the people live, is responsible for the governing laws.  He is not subject to the will of the people; their responsibility is to serve him. 

The good news of the kingdom is that we have a king who has made a way for us to enter his kingdom. But is being ruled by a king good news? It all depends on the character of the King!

In the next post, we will look at what our king has chosen to do for us.

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