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Setting Women Free

Chocolate lab

We have a chocolate Labrador wannabe named Sugar.  Sugar used to frequently go AWOL to terrorize the local cat population.  Our yard is fenced, and we have an automatic gate.  Sugar used to lie in wait for a car to open the gate and would make her dash for freedom as the gate was within inches of closing.   

We decided to put a stop to this behavior and installed an invisible fence across the gate.  Sugar is not normally known as a fast learner, but after a couple of, shall we say, shocking experiences, she learned not to cross the invisible line.  In fact, she would sit gazing longingly out of an open gate long after the battery in her collar had died. 

Today, at least within the simple church movement, there are no theological barriers to women moving into their destiny in the Kingdom of God.  But comparatively few are taking this privilege seriously.  Why?  Because, like Sugar, we have become accustomed to our lack of freedom.  We are content to sit on the sidelines, even as we gaze longingly at what other women are doing around the world.  We wait for a man to follow, rather than daring to step out to follow the Lord.  We need the Lord to help us break out of our inertia so that we can move into our calling as women of the Kingdom. 

There are women who function apostolically and prophetically.  There are those who pastor and teach.  The Lord is releasing women again to co-labor alongside the men; men and women together are working towards this end.  Increasingly there are regional initiatives within the simple/organic church movement that provide training and encouragement for all the churches.  Frequently women are responsible for these initiatives. 

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