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What is our plumbline when we hear from God?


    Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light
to my path  (
Psalm 119) 


God’s Word is
the yardstick by which all other revelation from God is measured.  In Hebrews it talks about becoming
skilled in the word because you use it (Hebrews 5:13-14)).  God’s word is living and active and
sharper than any two edged sword, and it works in our lives (Hebrews 4:12; 2
Timothy 3:16).  As we spend time in
the Word, letting it fill our minds and work in our hearts, all that goes on in
our lives will be influenced by it. 
It then becomes the standard by which we assess everything.

All of us have
probably experienced God speaking specifically to us through His Word, the
Bible.  It’s as though a verse
becomes highlighted as we read, almost as though it has been underlined.  It jumps out of the page at us. 

When Tony was
in medical school, one evening he attended a healing meeting where many people
were getting touched by God.  As he
watched what was going on, the healing evangelist suddenly joked, “Well, if
there are any doctors here, they will be looking for a new job.”  It was as though the Holy Spirit was
challenging Tony directly.  The
only thing that he had ever wanted to do was to be a doctor.   The Lord was facing him with the
fact that he had never actually asked God if He wanted him to be a doctor.  Then He had the thought, “You are to
leave medical school!”  Tony
returned to his room in turmoil. 
Did God really want him to leave the very prestigious medical school
that we both attended and give up the career that he had always longed for? 

Next morning in
his time with the Lord, Tony turned to his regular reading, Micah chapter 2.  He does not remember what the first few
verses said, but verse 10 says this. 
“Arise and go for this is no place for you to rest because of uncleanness…”  He could not mistake the meaning.  It took nine months, but eventually he
handed his resignation to the dean of the medical college.  He left the medical school and spent
two years at a Bible school, never dreaming that he would ever go back.  It was a total surprise when, at the
end of the two years, the Lord spoke equally clearly that he was to return.  And it was even more of a miracle that
the college accepted him back!

God often
speaks through the Scriptures. 
Throughout the Gospels we see Jesus referring to the Old Testament to
explain what He was doing (e.g. Matthew 13:14-15; Luke 4:18-19).  The same is true for the disciples in
the Book of Acts (e.g. Acts 2:17-21). 
The scriptures are written for our instruction and guidance (2 Timothy
3:16) and we do well to have our lives guided and molded by them.

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