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Even children can learn to hear God

John White wrote this very helpful comment on a post I wrote a few days ago.  It is worth repeating in the main blog.  It is another great example of what can happen when a group listens to God together.  There are many wonderful stories of what can happen when people listen to God on the blog he mentions at the end.

John writes:

"Rather than just talk about listening, we've found it transformational
to actually do this with people at every opportunity. Mary Geegh
describes this practice in her powerful little book "God Guides".
(Experiential learning vs theoretical learning) Then, we reinforce it
at every level. First, with our alone time with God each day. Then,
with our daily CO2s (churches of two which includes marriages). Then,
with our house churches. And, finally, with our regional leadership
teams (MRTs). In each situation we are seeking to follow in Jesus'
steps: "I do nothing on my own initiative. I only do what I see the
Father doing." (Jn. 5:19)

It's been especially fun to see how this works out in house churches.
We teach each church to simply ask the Lord one question each week:
"Jesus, what do you want to say to your church today." The group takes
20-30 minutes to listen and write what they hear in response to that
question. And, then, they come back together to share what they heard.
New Christians and children often are the best "hearers" in this
situation. What we are discovering is that Jesus is really quite good
at leading individual churches. (Who would have thought?!) As we listen
and obey, everything else seems to flow naturally – Bible study,
prayer, intimate fellowship, mission, etc. And, it makes starting new
churches quite simple.

Here's a short video on how one family is putting this into practice.
Very fun to see how the 7 and 10 year olds are "getting it"!"

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