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How Did Jesus Hear God Speak?

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It is notable that Jesus did not
begin His earthly ministry until the Holy Spirit had come upon Him at His
baptism.  From that point onwards,
the Holy Spirit led Him.  Philippians
2:7, 8 says “When the time came, he set
aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave, became human!
Having become human, he stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process. He
didn't claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life
and then died a selfless, obedient death…
  (The Message) When
Jesus went to be with His Father after His resurrection, He asked the Father to
send the Holy Spirit to us (John 7:39; 15:26).  The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth.  He leads us into all truth (John 16:13).
He helps us to communicate with the Father (Romans 8:26-27).  When we become a Christian, the Holy
Spirit makes our Spirit alive and dwells within us.  He awakens within us a God-given ability to hear what the
Father is saying.

So how does God speak to us?  Is He limited to speaking through His
Word?  Can we learn to recognize
His voice?  Does God speak in an
audible voice?  Does He speak
through our own thoughts?  If so,
how do we distinguish between our own thoughts and what He is saying?

A quick read through the New
Testament shows that the early disciples expected God to speak to them.  In Acts 2, Peter knew that what they
were seeing on the Day of Pentecost was a fulfillment of the prophecy in
Joel.  How did He know that?  In Acts 13, the Holy Spirit spoke to a
group of prophets and teachers and told them to set apart Saul and Barnabas for
a specific work.  How did they hear
Him say that? 

The majority of Christians here
in the West rarely experience this vibrant and alive walk with Jesus.  Most struggle to know when God is
speaking.  Probably 90% of us are
not sure if we hear God clearly. We have learned to rely on others hearing
God’s voice for us, whether that is through the Sunday sermon or a Christian
book.  And our walk with the Lord
is the poorer for it.

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