Simple Church Teaching from India

The Difference Between a Believer and a Disciple

Teachings from India (3):

According to Matthew 16:17, certain signs will follow a believer–they will cast out demons and speak in new tongues etc.  But a believer who casts out a demon may not be a disciple.  He may believe in all the promises of God, but still not be a disciple.  Matthew 7:21-23 describes a group of people who prophesied, cast out demons and performed miracles, but because they hadn't done the will of the Father, they would not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. 

A disciple is a person who makes disciples that make disciples (Matthew 28:16-20).  The eleven disciples were commanded to make disciples who obeyed what Jesus taught.  That teaching includes the instruction to make disciples.  Many of us may sit in church or read the Bible or pray but that doesn't make us a disciple.  A disciple will bring forth an abundant harvest, a vine loaded with fruit (John 15:1-8).

If everyone in our churches is equipped to make disciples, and instead of listening to long sermons listens instead to testimony of what God is doing, and if we are willing to hold people accountable by asking them what they are doing to make disciples, then the church will grow rapidly.  If a church has short sermons and long testimonies, it will grow!

[This sort of teaching goes against our Christian culture here in the West.  But remember, this teaching comes from a group who saw more than 250,000 baptisms on the Day of Pentecost last year.]

5 replies on “The Difference Between a Believer and a Disciple”

Great post. I have found myself in John 5:39 at times. (Being in the word but not in Christ) To make disciples is the way of obedience.
John 3:36 Shows that obedience is part of believing.
Eph 4:15 “But speaking the truth in love we are to grow up into all aspects into Him who is the head even Christ.” Testimonies allow growth.
1 Cor 14:31 A church allowing people to share is building them up.
If a person can’t share they should be in prayer. Phil 4:6-9 Then with peace they can go into their world and share. If they still can’t share go back to prayer.
Thanks again,

My mother told me The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible. Try to think in English whenever possible. When you see something, think of the English word for it; then think about the word in a sentence.

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