
Video on Pagan Christianity

A few months ago, our son, Tim, who runs a video production company, produced a spoof ad for Frank Viola's book "Pagan Christianity."  Much to my surprise, a few days ago I checked to see how it was doing, and it has been viewed over 25,000 times.  It is hilarious.

3 replies on “Video on Pagan Christianity”

My wife and I loved the video – thank you for it. We have a copy of the book, and have even opened it, but we sure won’t read any more now we’ve been warned! We don’t want to go down like that poor girl!! Which I guess means I too can review it now!? : )
BTW, 25,000 hits lends support to what I’ve been thinking for a while, that we should be using Youtube much more as an apologetic tool – as long as we make our videos funny, and not just talking heads. If Tim had the time, I have some ideas!

Powerful stuff. After watching the video and looking at the related video ads following, a little pop-up at the bottom of my screen said, “Your computer might be at risk.”*
*My computer may not have yet adjusted to receiving info similar to that received on
Simply Church.

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