
Organic Leadership

I had the privilege of reading the manuscript of Neil Cole's new book, Organic Leadership a few months ago.  I found myself saying a resounding "Yes!" on just about every page.  It is the best book on leadership written from a simple church perspective that I have read.

On another note, I would appreciate your prayers for my 9 year old granddaughter, Anna.  A couple of weeks ago she came down with a mysterious illness called Henloch-Shoerlein purpura–an unpleasant condition consisting of a rash, arthritis and kidney problems.  Generally it lasts from 4 to 6 weeks and she should recover completely as long as she does not get kidney complications. She has had some kidney symptoms, although thankfully they are getting less at this point.   I have been in Colorado with the family for most of the past couple of weeks helping with Anna and her three younger siblings.


3 replies on “Organic Leadership”

Anna and your family will be in our prayers. and thanks for the short book review.
God Bless and watch over you all.

Thank you for your prayers for Anna. She is doing much better and now seems to be out of danger for kidney complications.

We have just prayed for you and your family and for Ana. It is good to know that she is getting better. May the Lord restore her completely.
In Him,
Haroldo and Charlotte

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