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It seems from the comments I have been receiving on the last two posts that others are thinking about the Kingdom of God too.

Here is a list of the books I have read on the subject of the Kingdom over the past year. Some I found more relevant than others. If any of you have good ideas of a "must read" on this subject, I would love to know them.

The Church, the Churches and the Kingdom (Philip Mauro)
Rediscovering the Kingdom (Myles Monroe)
Kingdom Principles (Myles Monroe)
The Gospel of the Kingdom (George Eldon Ladd)
The King and His Kingdom (Peter Whyte)
Dominion (C. Peter Wagner)
Churchshift (Sunday Adelaja)
Authority (Kenneth Hagin)
Destined to Rule (Rebecca Greenwood)
The Unshakable Kingdom and the Unchanging Person (E. Stanley Jones)
When Heaven Invades Earth (Bill Johnson)
Crazy for God (Frank Schaeffer)

This last one might seem a rather odd one to add to the collection, but it is an account of people trying to bring about the Kingdom through political and social means.<a

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