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I Am Free!

Dear Church,

Do you know how difficult it is to be a pastor in a traditional church?

I do.  I was one for over 25 years. 

Consider these statistics from an article called "Death by Ministry". 


Pastors’ Wives

Makes you wonder why anyone would want such a job!  Also makes you wonder if this is really what God had in mind for His church.

A growing number of pastors are leaving the "system" and joining the Revolution (see Barna).  The email below from Jason Duncan (Gallatin, TN) will give you some idea of what leaving can feel like.  (Shared with permission.)

One more thing.  Leaving the traditional church system can be tremendously freeing but it also can be frightening for a pastor and his family for financial reasons.  If you know someone who is going through the transition, consider helping them with financial support.

John White
US Coordinator
Dawn Ministries

Dear House Church Folks,

As of midnight Saturday night…I AM FREE! No more institutional church. I am no longer on staff at my church as of midnight, Saturday, September 30, 2006.

Please pray for Kristie and me (and our kids) as we "detox" for the next three months (or so). We want to follow God, relax, and rest in His presence.

Sunday morning we slept in–the first Sunday morning "sleep-in" in my adult life. When we woke up, I made chocolate-chip pancakes. Then we talked about things of God with the kids and make a "God Box," which will be what we use as a place to put our tithes each week; and my son who is 6 suggested we write our prayers down and put them in there too! Great idea, huh? We plan to get the kids used to seeing us put in money and encourage them to do so as well. Then we’re going to talk to them about what that money is to be used for: helping people, etc. We plan to encourage them to look for people who could use some help from the God Box. Oh, the freedom smells so sweet!

Then at 4:00 PM we went to a friend’s house for a house church meeting in which we all officially "closed the door" to the institutional church that we all have left. We were all members of the same church. One couple left almost 2 years ago and have been flitting around from church to church with no real sense of calling to a place. Another couple left our church this past spring and have been "waiting" for us to start a house church. The other couple left this past Sunday after I preached my last sermon. They stayed until we left so they could support us.

The house church meeting Sunday night was amazing. We played some horseshoes in the backyard before dinner. We enjoyed communion together and ate a meal together. I got my guitar out and played a few songs and then the host popped in a worship CD, passed around some song sheets and we sang a few more worship songs. One lady’s dad who lives in Oklahoma had recently been diagnosed with cancer (lymphoma) and she was really upset, so we spent quite some time laying our hands on her and praying for her dad. It was a very moving time. We even laid our hands on a handkerchief and prayed over it so that she could take it with her to Oklahoma when she goes to visit him in a couple of weeks. I got a phone call Tuesday afternoon from this lady’s husband. He said they just got a call from her dad who had a doctor’s appointment that day. The report is that there is no cancer in his lymph-nodes or lungs like they had previously said. WOW! He still has to undergo treatments for cancer in his esophagus, but we’ll get right on that in prayer, too! 😉

The freedom is almost overwhelming! Praise the Lord above from Whom all blessings flow. He has set us free and we are free indeed!

Respectfully yours,

Jason Duncan

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